Stash Short Film Festival: Comedy (2017)

 Alright party people. Buckle up because this is probably going to be the weirdest blog I am going to post. I had someone recommend that I watch Stash Short Film Festival: Comedy (2017) and let me just say wowzers. I don't really know what I was going to be expecting when I watched these, but it wasn't this. I will say one of the short films that stood out to me was Darrel. I thought this one was cute, but it also kept me on my feet because I had NO IDEA about the twist at the end. I honestly thought he was going to get the girl, but BOY was I wrong. Not only was it hilarious but it had a story line that kept you entertained and it never gave away how it was actually going to end. I thought the scenes when he was trying so hard to impress her only to be embarrassing himself, but also hurting her in the process as well was super funny and relatable. Well not the ending of course (iykyk). 

I think all of the other films lost points from me because either I was really confused about what I was even watching or two it was just boring to watch and the plot was guessable. I was judging creativity but also what kept my attention the longest. Even tho they were all short films some of them felt like a million years.

If you guys go and watch these, don't tell me I didn't warn you lol.


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